Tujitwike Msalaba ~ Kwaya ya Masista wamisionari wa Benediktini[Mp3 download & Lyrics]

The essence of  true happiness 

🗣I will be happy when I get married and have children.

🗣I will be happy  when owning my own house.

🗣I'll be happy when I get a job.

🗣I will be happy when 100,000$

🗣I will be happy when I attain my first degree.

🗣I will be happy when...

HAVE you ever felt that way?

When you got what you wanted, did your happiness last, or did it begin to diminish?🤔

Achieving a goal or achieving something we desire can make us happy, but that happiness is short-lived. Lasting happiness isn't based solely on achievement or success. Instead, true happiness depends on many factors, just as a person needs to do many things in order to be healthy.

Our needs greatly vary. What makes you happy might not make someone else happy. In addition, we change as we continue to grow. However, evidence indicates that there are things that are associated with happiness. For example, true happiness is related to contentment, not jealousy, love of people, and not despair. Let's examine those things.


Artist: Kwaya ya Masista wamisionari wa Benediktini

Song: Tujitwike Msalaba

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Once in a while a wise man said: “Money is protection.” However, he added: “A mere lover of money will not be satisfied with money, neither any lover of wealth with income. That too is vanity. ” (Ecclesiastes 5:10; 7:12) What did he mean by that? Although, we really need money to survive, we should avoid greed, for we cannot satisfy that desire! King Solomon of ancient Israel, who made these statements, did some research to determine if living a life of luxury brought true happiness. He wrote: “I did not hold back my eyes from any request. I did not hold back my heart from any sort of rejoicing. ”(Ecclesiastes 1:13; 2:10).

After amassing great wealth, Solomon built grand houses, made beautiful swimming pools and gardens, and had a large staff. He got everything he wanted. What did he learn? Those things brought her a measure of happiness, but not for long. He wrote: “And, look! everything was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing of advantage. ” He even hated life! (Ecclesiastes 2:11, 17, 18) In fact, Solomon realized that a life of self-indulgence does not bring lasting happiness.

Does modern research agree with that? An article in the journal How to Be Happy states: “Once a person is satisfied with his basic needs, the other things he will get will never make him happy.” In fact, research shows that if a person chooses to pursue a life of luxury and ignores moral and spiritual values, he could lose his joy.

HINT: “Let your manner of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things.” - Hebrews 13: 5.

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One dictionary defines jealousy as “the state of being free from all malice and envy.” Just as a malignant tumor spreads quickly, envy can have a devastating effect on a person's life and can make him unhappy. How does one become jealous of others? How can we tell if we have that problem? And how can we cope?🤔

According to the Encyclopedia of Social Psychology, people tend to be envious of people who are of the same age group, perhaps because of age, experience, or upbringing. For example, it is not easy for a businessman to envy a famous actor. But he may be jealous of a more successful businessman than he is.

Example: Some officials in the former Persian Empire did not envy the king, but they were jealous of their fellow officer Daniel. Because of their jealousy, they even plotted to kill Daniel! However the plan did not succeed. (Daniel 6: 1-24) The Encyclopedia of Social Psychology further states: “It is important to recognize that jealousy can lead to harm. That is why there is so much violence in human history as a result of human jealousy. ”

Envy can poison a person's capacity to enjoy the good things in life

How can you tell if you are jealous of others? Ask yourself: 'When my peers succeed, do I feel happy or sad? If a brother or a sister, a talented classmate, or a coworker fails to succeed, am I sad or unhappy? (Genesis 26: 12-14) The book goes on to say: “Envy can poison a person's capacity to enjoy the good things in life and erode his sense of well-being. . . . Such behavior does not bring happiness.

We can combat this tendency by developing genuine humility and modesty, qualities that will enable us to enjoy and value the abilities and good qualities of others. The Bible says: “Doing nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with lowliness of mind considering that the others are superior to you.”  Philippians 2: 3.

HINT: “Let us not become egotistical, stirring up competition with one another, envying one another.” - Galatians 5:26.


The book Social Psychology points out: “If people have a good relationship with each other, it can make life more enjoyable than having the satisfaction of a job, a high salary, social status, or good health.” In short, for humans to enjoy true happiness, they need to love and be loved. One Bible writer said: “If. . . do not have love, I am nothing. ”- 1 Corinthians 13: 2.

We all have a chance to develop love. For example, Vanessa had an abusive, alcoholic father. At the age of 14, she ran away from home and was left homeless, and she even asked God to help her. Then, it seems, God helped him because she started a family that followed the Bible principle, “love is long-suffering and kind.” (1 Corinthians 13: 4) Living with that family and reading the Bible helped Vanessa to recover emotionally and mentally. He said: “I began to do well in my studies and my grades improved.”

Vanessa still remembers the things that happened to her in the past. However, she is now happily married and is the mother of two girls.

HINT: “Clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union.” - Colossians 3:14.


Who has no problem? As the Bible says, there is “a time to weep” and even “a time to wail.” (Ecclesiastes 3: 4) Not giving up can help us to cope with adversity. Let us consider the case of Carol and Mildred.

Carol has diabetes, spinal cord injury, respiratory problems, and eye disease that has blinded her left eye. However, she says: “I try not to feel discouraged for long. I'm sorry. But I avoid self-centeredness and thank God for what I am able to do, especially for what I can do for others.

Mildred also suffers from a number of ailments, including rheumatoid arthritis, breast cancer, and diabetes. But like Carol, she tries not to dwell on her problems. He says: “I have learned to love people and to comfort others when they are sick, and when I do, I feel better. In fact, when I comfort others, I feel less anxious.

Although the two women are focused on treatment, their main concern is, not their health, but their attitude and what they can accomplish. As a result, they enjoy a measure of happiness and peace of mind that no one can deprive them of. In addition, they are loved and encouraged by others who are facing various problems.

HINT: “Happy is the man that keeps on enduring trial, because on becoming approved he will receive the crown of life.” - James 1:12.

When applied, Bible wisdom is like “a tree of life to those taking hold of it, and those keeping fast hold of it are to be called happy.” (Read Proverbs 3: 13-18.) Why not see the wisdom of those words? Above all, the Author of this sacred book, who is also called “the happy God,” wants you to be happy too. — 1 Timothy 1:11.


When people have a positive attitude when they make a mistake, they do not blame themselves for saying such things as, “I am the last fool” or “I do not deserve anything.” The Bible states: “The crushed spirit dries up the bones.” (Proverbs 17:22) The book The Power of Resilience states that to avoid depression, “you need to recognize that mistakes and failures are normal. . . You have the freedom to choose how you will deal with the situation. ”


That sound advice is found at Colossians 3:15. Research shows that positive thinking and appreciation for good things can help us to live a happier life.

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