Bwana Amejaa Huruma ~ Gracia Singers[Mp3 download & Lyrics]

Persisting in God's Mercy

Persisting in the mercy of God is an essential part of one's spiritual journey. It involves recognizing one's need for God's mercy and trusting in His infinite love and forgiveness.

Here are some ways to persist in the mercy of God in our life:

1. Confession

Regularly going to confession is a powerful way to receive God's mercy and forgiveness. Through the sacrament of confession, we confess our sins to a priest, who absolves us in the name of God. 

The process of reaching a confession involves the following steps:

Examination of Conscience: The first step is to reflect on one's actions and thoughts, and examine them in light of the Ten Commandments and other teachings of the Church. This helps a person to identify areas where they may have fallen short of the expectations of the faith.

Contrition: After examining their conscience, the person should feel genuine remorse and sorrow for their sins. This is an essential step as it demonstrates a willingness to repent and make amends for any wrongdoings.

Confession: The person then goes to a priest and confesses their sins. The confession should be honest, complete, and include all the sins that the person has committed since their last confession.

Penance: The priest then assigns a penance, which may include prayers or other acts of reparation. The purpose of penance is to help the person to make amends for their sins and to demonstrate their willingness to do so.

Absolution: Finally, the priest offers absolution, which is the forgiveness of sins by God through the ministry of the Church. The person then makes an act of contrition, expressing their sorrow and resolve to avoid sin in the future.


Artist: Gracia Singers

Song: Ukuu wa Mungu

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2. Prayer

Praying for God's mercy and asking for His forgiveness is a vital part of Catholic life. We can pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, which is a prayer that focuses on God's mercy and compassion. Prayer is a personal and spiritual act that can take many different forms depending on one's beliefs and practices. 

Here are some general steps that can guide you in how to pray:

Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can focus and be free from distractions. This could be the church, a quiet room in your home, or any other place that feels peaceful to you.

Begin by centering yourself and quieting your mind. You may want to take a few deep breaths or meditate for a few moments to clear your thoughts.

Begin by making the Sign of the Cross: Place your right hand on your forehead, then on your belly button, then on your left and right shoulders while saying, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Express gratitude for the blessings in your life, such as your health, family, friends, and opportunities.

Ask for guidance, help, or support for yourself or others who may be in need.

Offer apologies and ask for forgiveness for any mistakes or wrongdoings you may have committed.

Close your prayer with a statement of faith or affirmation, expressing your belief in the power of prayer and the divine being you are addressing.

Prayer is a personal and intimate act, and there is no right or wrong way to do it. You can customize your prayer to fit your personal beliefs, values, and needs.

Nimekosa baba Nihurumie Mp3

3. Reading the Bible

The Bible is full of stories of God's mercy and forgiveness. Reading the Bible can help us understand God's mercy more deeply and inspire us to persist in seeking it. how to approach reading the Bible from a Catholic perspective. Here are some suggestions:

Start with prayer: Before reading the Bible, it is always a good idea to begin with a prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to guide you and help you understand what you are reading.

Use a Catholic Bible: The Catholic Bible includes 73 books, including the deuterocanonical books that are not included in some Protestant versions. You may want to use a Catholic edition of the Bible to ensure you have access to all the books recognized by the Catholic Church.

Understand the context: The Bible is not a single book, but rather a collection of many books written by different authors over many centuries. To understand what you are reading, it is important to consider the historical, cultural, and literary context of each book and each passage.

Read with an open mind and heart: The Bible is not always easy to understand, and some passages may be challenging or even difficult to accept. It is important to approach the Bible with an open mind and heart, willing to learn and grow in your faith.

Use commentaries and study guides: There are many resources available to help you understand the Bible, including commentaries, study guides, and online resources. These can be especially helpful when you are studying a particular book or passage.

Seek guidance from a priest or spiritual director: If you have questions or concerns about what you are reading, it is always a good idea to seek guidance from a trusted priest or spiritual director who can help you understand the teachings of the Church and apply them to your life.

Reading the Bible is be a powerful way to deepen your relationship with God.

4. Acts of Mercy

Showing mercy to others is another way to persist in the mercy of God. We can perform acts of mercy by feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, or comforting the sorrowful. Acts of mercy are acts of kindness and compassion that sholud be practiced in our daily lives. These acts are based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, who emphasized the importance of helping others and showing mercy to those who are suffering. Some common acts of mercy in Catholic life include:

Feeding the hungry: We are encouraged to provide food and shelter to those who are hungry and homeless.

Giving drink to the thirsty: We are encouraged to provide clean drinking water to those who do not have access to it.

Clothing the naked: We are encouraged to donate clothes to those who cannot afford them.

Visiting the sick: We are encouraged to visit the sick and offer them comfort and support.

Sheltering the homeless: We are encouraged to provide shelter to those who are homeless.

Visiting the imprisoned: We are encouraged to visit those who are in prison and offer them spiritual support.

Burying the dead: We are encouraged to offer support to those who are grieving and to help bury the dead.

Forgiving others: We are encouraged to forgive those who have wronged them and to seek forgiveness from those they have wronged.

Counseling the doubtful: We are encouraged to offer guidance and support to those who are struggling with their faith.

Comforting the afflicted: We are encouraged to offer comfort and support to those who are suffering, both physically and emotionally.

5. Trust in God

Trusting in God's mercy requires faith and surrender. We must trust that God is merciful and that He will forgive us if we ask Him sincerely.

Persisting in the mercy of God is about having a humble and contrite heart, acknowledging our faults and seeking God's forgiveness. By doing so, we can experience the love and compassion of God and deepen our relationship with Him.

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