Yezu wange Azze ~ St. Joseph Choir Nansana Parish[Mp3 review & Lyrics]

Yezu wange azze: A Hymn of Communion and Love

One of the most beautiful and moving hymns in the Luganda language is Yezu wange azze, which means "My Jesus has come". It is a song of thanksgiving and adoration for the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the sacrament that Catholics believe is the source and summit of their faith.

The hymn was composed by the White Fathers, a missionary society of priests and brothers who came to Uganda in the late 19th century to evangelize and serve the local people. ² They adapted the melody from a traditional African tune and wrote the lyrics in Luganda, one of the major languages spoken in Uganda.

The hymn has four verses, each expressing a different aspect of the Eucharistic mystery. The first verse praises Jesus for coming to us as bread and wine, the second verse asks him to nourish our souls and bodies, the third verse invites him to dwell in our hearts and make us his temples, and the fourth verse expresses our desire to be united with him forever in heaven.

The chorus repeats the phrase Yezu wange azze, emphasizing the personal and intimate relationship that Catholics have with Jesus through the Eucharist. They believe that by receiving his body and blood, they become one with him and with each other, forming the mystical body of Christ, the church.

The hymn is often sung during Mass, especially at communion time, when Catholics approach the altar to receive the consecrated bread and wine that they believe are truly transformed into the body and blood of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and the words of consecration spoken by the priest.

The hymn is also sung during Eucharistic adoration, a devotional practice that involves exposing the consecrated host in a special vessel called a monstrance and praying before it in silence or with songs and prayers. Catholics believe that Jesus is really present in the Eucharist, not only when they receive it, but also when they adore it.

Yezu wange azze is a hymn that expresses the Catholic faith in the Eucharist, a faith that is rooted in the words of Jesus himself: "This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me." (Luke 22:19) ⁸ It is a hymn that celebrates the love of Jesus, who gave himself up for us on the cross and continues to give himself to us in the sacrament. It is a hymn that invites us to respond to his love with gratitude and devotion, and to share his love with others.


Artist: St. Joseph Choir Nansana Parish

Song: Yezu wange Azze

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Yezu wange azze is a hymn that expresses the Catholic faith in the Eucharist, a faith that is rooted in the words of Jesus himself: "This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me." (Luke 22:19) ⁸ It is a hymn that celebrates the love of Jesus, who gave himself up for us on the cross and continues to give himself to us in the sacrament. It is a hymn that invites us to respond to his love with gratitude and devotion, and to share his love with others.

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